Arren has been running with us for just over a year now and was awarded our brand new ‘Runner of the Year’ award at our recent AGM. The committee agreed that Arren should receive this award “based on his attitude after joining us last year and attending consistently and quietly improving the whole time!”
Here’s what he’s got to say about his running journey so far…
How long have you been running: Just over a year
Favourite race: Porthcawl 10k
Favourite distance: 5k
Greatest achievement: Running the Cardiff Half Marathon in support of Mind
I joined CDF Runners at the end of summer last year as a way to get fitter and meet new people after the lockdowns. I had tried running before on my own but I’d never been able to keep going for more than a month or so before losing the motivation and giving up.

Running with the club has really helped me to keep the motivation going and run further than I ever could have by myself, throwing myself into a bunch of races like the SSAFA 5k Series or the Healthspan 10k Series.

If someone had asked me two years ago if I could see myself doing anything more than a Parkrun I would have laughed, now I’ve run a half marathon!