


We aim to provide free, fun, social running in the heart of Cardiff.


CDF Runners meet every week to offer various running sessions and distances at every pace.

We are a social running club based in the centre of Cardiff.

We have Welsh Athletics qualified coaches and running leaders who make sure our training sessions work for everyone whether you’re running your first 5k or pushing for a new PB.

CDF Runners is many things to many people. For some, we are somewhere to drop in and out of when their schedule allows for a no strings attached run with friendly people. For others, it shapes their whole week and they dedicate themselves to running every session. Some CDF Runners do not even attend our ‘official’ sessions, but proudly wear their t-shirts and vests at races and parkruns across the world.

We want to be a safe, welcoming place for new runners to approach and run with a group for the first time. We were all new once and many of us imagined running clubs to be a bit intimidating. Many years later, we can’t imagine running any other way!

Although we are now a club affiliated with Welsh Athletics, our regular sessions are free and always will be to members and non-members alike. Individual affiliation to Welsh Athletics through CDF Runners is optional and does come with a cost. While we will outline the benefits of individual affiliation, we have no expectations of new or occasional runners and we understand that this is not an inevitability for everyone.

Our Values

Supportive – We want to provide opportunities for people to meet, support each other and run together, no matter what their goals are.

Relaxed – We want to keep running simple. We want people to train in the way that suits them and works around the pressures of life. This is a hobby after all.

Inclusive – We want to create a place where people of all abilities and backgrounds can run together and support each other in a social environment.

Progressive – We want to do things differently. We believe in being bold and trying out new ideas to keep running fun and interesting.

CDF Pride
CDF Runners are supporters of LGBT+ people in Cardiff and across Wales. We have celebrated LGBT History Month and attended Pride Cymru in Cardiff and fully support our gay, bisexual, lesbian, and trans members to run in a safe and welcoming environment.

We commit to taking a zero tolerance approach to homophobia, biphobia and transphobia in our own sport and other sports, whether in the stands, during competition or amongst officials, coaches, staff and volunteers.